The following projects in Germany have benefited from funding under the IRMA programme:

Applicant and project title (in blue)
3/DU/1/002 Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V.


Objective of the transnational (Germany and The Netherlands) project is to develop a method by which the effect of measures taken in the catchment of the river such as changes in land use; renaturation of contributaries; large scale infiltration, on the flood conditions of the river Rhine. For the research project, rainfall run-off models will be integrated in a one-dimensional hydraulic model.

For more information:


(D) 432.390,-

(NL) 144.130,-

3/DU/3/005 Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung

Räumliche Planung und Bauvorsorge in hochwassergefährdeten Gebieten, insbesondere hinter den Deichen, am Beispiel des hessischen Rieds; kurz: Vorsorge hinter Deichen

In developing the areas to the densely populated areas they are today, the risk of flooding was not considered. As a consequence a high damage potential exists. It is the objective of the project to develop precautionary flood management, prevent a further increase of damage potential and develop/enhance instruments of spatial, regional and urban planning. Effect of this study may be the improvement of Spatial Planning instruments as a transferable component and a possible change in land use as a less abstract component.

1/DU/1/006 Staatliches Umweltamt Köln

Rückgewinnung eines Retentionsraumes in Siegburg-Kaldauen

The project concerns the redevelopment of the flood plains of the Sieg river. In the local programme that will take 30 years altogether this is one of the first projects to be realised. The overall programme aims at improving the watercourses in the area. Creating retention in a side river will delay the discharge to the main rivers and hence, the project contributes to the reduction of the (flood) water level or rather minimises the flood risk.

1/DU/3/007 Zweckverband "Hochwasserschutzeinzugsbereich Seckach-Kirnau"

Integriertes Hochwasserschutzprogramm für das Einzugsgebiet von Seckach und Kirnau (Hesk)

The project involves the planning and land acquisition for an integrated flood protection program in the Seckach-Kirnau basin (total surface area of 250 square km). Both rivers are tributaries of the Rhine river. The project as it is now under consideration is based upon the initiative of municipalities in the river basin.

3/DU/3/008 Landesumweltamt NRW

Erfassung überschwemmungsgefährdete Bereiche in NRW

The applicant ensues to map 132 km2 in NordrRhein-Westfalen for areas with a high risk of flooding. The result of the project may be used as an instrument for sensible spatial planning and will be presented in a (digital) decision support system. Three phases may be distinguished: inventarisation of the area; simulation of floodings using a hydraulic model; combining the aforementioned in a digital map (GIS). A cross-border advisory group is set up for guidance.

1/DU/3/009 Stadt Bad Wildbad

Schaffung eines Retentions- und Überschwemmungsbereiches an der oberen Enz als vorbeugender Hochwasserschutz im Einzugsgebiet von Rhein und Maas

The main aim of the project is to create retention in the Schwarzwald region along the Rhine-tributary Enz. The project decreases the risk of flooding in the area around Bad Wildbad by integrated approach of creating retention upstream from Bad Wildbad. By taking measures outside of town, the historic town need not be disturbed by constructions that would be needed otherwise.

3/DU/3/010 Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft

Ermittlung von Überschwemmungsgebieten im Einzugsgebiet des Main in Bayern

A multisectoral utilisation shall be created of collected databases targeting both water management and nature conservation. The prerequisites of the plans are to comprehensively register the flood plains, and to report the relevant scales. The digital map will also be partly used as a legal instrument, and all data will eventually be put into a GIS system.

2/DU/1/011 Deichschau Haffen-Mehr

Deichrückverlegung Lohrwardt in Rees-Haffen, NRW

In accordance with the IKSR and based on the general concept Rhine River in Northrhine-Westfalia - High Water Protection, Ecology and Shipping, 11 areas have been selected to examine the feasibility of restoring retention areas along with ecological feasibility. This project involves the preparation of the inland relocation and renovation of a dike on a total length of 6,0 km. Extra retention space will be created as well as agricultural utilisation of the niche environment.



2/DU/1/012 Gewässerdirektion Südlicher Oberrhein/Hochrhein - Projektgruppe Breisach

Rückhalteraum Wyhl/Weisweil

The main objective of the project is to minimise flood risk and to integrate spatial planning and with added ecological aspects. Building the retention area involves inward construction and outflow facilities. A permanent connection results in a natural degree of flooding in the area behind the dam, therefore this project represents the preparatory study and acquisition of land for which funding is requested.

For more information:

1/DU/3/013 Wasserverband Rems

Integrierter Hochwasserschutz im Einzugsgebiet der Rems

The project aims at ecological restoration and landscape restoration of the existing water system of the Rems; the improvement of the high water protection and peak discharge reduction at the mouth of the river. The above is to be realised via the construction of several retention areas. Control of water level is possible via a so-called 'Ökologische Swingklappe', a rather innovative structure which fits in the landscape / ecology and requires little maintenance.

2/DU/1/014 Staatliches Amt für Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft Mainz

Deichrückverlegung Worms-Bürgerweide

Over a length of 3.000 metres, the existing dike will be moved inland and by doing so, extra retention is created (approximately 2 million m3 / HQ200). It does, however, not increase the discharge capacity of the river. The application concerns the construction work only (removal of the old dike and building a new dike).

2/DU/1/015 Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft, Rheinland-Pfalz

Aufstellung eines integrierten Raumnutzungskonzeptes für die Planung einer
Hochwasserrückhaltung in der Hördter Rheinaue

The project concerns a preparatory study to create approximately 30 million m3 of retention. The result of the preparations should lead to the actual basin being built, which would certainly have a significant impact on the peak water levels on the river.

1/DU/3/017 Landesamt für Umweltschutz des Saarlandes

Neuordnung des Retentionsraumes der Blies bei Ottweiler zum nachhaltigen

The objective of this project is to create a retention area of 800.000 m3 behind a confining in the river Blies. This basin has to be integrated in the current environment and infrastructure. Apparently this project will have a significant effect at the reduction of the high water level. The river Blies is part of the Moesel / Saar catchment area.

1/DU/1/018 Wasserverband Eifel-Ruhr


Objective of the project is to re-establish retention capacity of the tributary Ruhr to the Meuse river. The applicant applies for EU funding for a complete project: planning, preparations and realisation. Retention is reclaimed by restoration of flood plains, tributaries and optimisation of river management. Part of the river flows along the German/Dutch border.



Gewässerdirektion Südlicher Oberrhein/Hochrhein, Bereich Offenburg

Umgestaltung des Kinzig-Schutter-Mündungsbereiches, Wiedergewinnung von Retentionsflächen, Schaffung einer naturnahen Auenlandschaft

The objective of the project is to restore meadow land like a river estuary with natural unimpeded flooding and reclamation of natural retention space. This will also help to ease peak drainage of the Kinzig at its mouth when Rhine and Kinzig carry extreme flood volumes. It is planned to improve the structures of both banks and adjacent areas in ecological terms for a stretch of 5 km by irregular digging and recontouring.

1/DU/2/020 Stadt Leonberg

Naturnahe Regenwasserbewirtschaftung für das Gebiet Engelberg-Nordhang in Leonberg

The city of Leonberg has reconsidered the construction of a new conventional rain water system, bearing in mind the new ideas of flood risk reduction. By local infiltration durable water management is attempted. Waste water and rain water systems are separated. The investments of conventional systems are saved. The effect of this project is greatest when other cities adopt the concept as well. Promotion and generating awareness is therefore incorporated in the project.

2/DU/1/021 Stadt Duisburg / Entsorgungsbetriebe Duisburg

Deichrückverlegung Mündelheimer Rheinbogen

The Ministry of Umwelt, Raumordnung und Landwirtschaft has developed a Polder Urgency Program. This consists of the construction of 11 retention areas along the Rhine. In the area, a high damage potential exists, which is why dike relocation was opted for, combined with the creation of a new retention area rather than conventional dike strengthening. The application concerns the design phase only (study).



Gemeinde Massenbachhausen

Hochwasserfreimachung Massenbachhausen

The applicant intends to reduce discharge from a rural area with high valued landscape by infiltration. This water is saved for the area and may contribute to withdrawal of ground water for agricultural purposes in the dry season. From a spatial planning point of view, this approach is preferred above conventional dike strengthening. A total new area of new land use (canals and dikes) of 12.800 m2. New flood plains: 23.800 m2.

3/DU/3/023 Stadt Köln

Sensibilisierung der Bevölkerung für den vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutz

With this project the city intends to raise awareness and increase public understanding for her actions and acceptance of the preventive plans and constructions going on. The projects consist of activities, which are aimed at the different target groups. Examples of activities are: an exhibition, the creation of a physical-hydrological model, a film regarding floodings, scale models of the river and finally the set up of students information material.

1/DU/2/037 Am Rosensee Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

Am Rosensee

The objective of this project is to increase infiltration capacity on a former US Army base. In the existing situation, the greater part of the terrain is sealed and rain water is led to the main river via sewer systems. In the new situation the natural retention will be restored by means of infiltration facilities. The current function of the area as Army base will be changed to a residential area of 800 to 850 units, for which a sustainable sewer system is required.

1/DU/2/038 Universität Hannover

Hochwasserreduzierung durch dezentrale siedlungswasserwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen im Einzugsgebiet der Saar

Based upon test results with rain water infiltration techniques, a large scale investigation is done into the implementation of decentralised infiltration facilities. For the entire region it should be investigated where these facilities are a feasible alternative and where not. By realising such facilities, use is made of the retention capacity of the soil and hence, (peak) discharge is delayed. Research activities only.

For more information:

1/DU/1/039 Bezirk Mittelfranken

Hochwasserschutzkonzepte Aisch und Rezat

This project concerns the preparatory study for measures in two tributaries, namely the Aisch and the Rezat. The Aisch was canalised in the early forties which caused high waters to be discharged to areas downstream fast. As regards the Rezat river: geological conditions have led to a more vertical flow cross section with steep side slopes (leads to insufficient space). The objective of the project is to increase the natural retention and avoid deepening of the river bed.

1/DU/1/051 Niersverband

Renaturierungsprojekt Pont / Geldern

The Pont/Geldern project represents a proposal that looks at the re-activation of natural retention of the river plains. It is a pilot project that proposes prolongation of the river course, the enlargement of its diameter, and breaking of the outlet in order to increase flood frequency while in line with a solid re-extension of the related flood plains. The objective is restructuralisation in order to re-activate the natural retention of the river plains.

3/DU/3/052 IKSR

Erfassung und Bewertung von Hochwassergefahren und -risiken

The project is part of the framework of the transnational authority IKSR. The objective of this project specifically studies the catchment area of the Rhine along its Meuse integration and looks at two central criteria: A 'cartographic' and 'planological' evaluation of potential flood dangers to create decision-support as required at the various levels both national and civilian. Secondly, it derives the most effective means in different ways so that efficient intervention can be taken at handling potential risks.


(D) 130.000,-

(NL) 100.000,-

3/DU/1/054 Forstplanungsanstalt

Vorbeugender Hochwasserschutz durch standortangepasste Landnutzungsformen und umweltgerechte Bewirtschaftsmethoden

On basis of the studies and in collaboration with the local authority of Saarland, the project proposes to establish a 'control of surface run-off' mechanism. The objective is to set-up this structure by quantifying and evaluating different land utilisation types and soil management measures on various soil samples, to establish an overview that can enable a substantial reduction of surface run-offs at peak high levels.

3/DU/3/055 Land Baden-Württemberg / Gewässerdirektion Neckar


IkoNE distinguishes between three categories that are basis-orientated, measure-related and long-term action programmes. These action programmes will be created to serve and improve flood protection, quality conditions of the waters, the ecological profile at the water surfaces, as well as to safeguard the sustained cultivation of the surface waters and to regulate the catchment area of the Neckar itself.

For more information:

2/DU/1/056 Ortsgemeinde Kamp-Bornhofen

Sicherung und Neugestaltung des Uberschwemmungsgebietes des Rheines in Kamp-Bornhofen

At the time of more eminent high water events there are rising dangers for the population as well as a high damage potential along the river bank of the Rhine. Arising opportunities shall be taken to withdraw the utilisations to recover lost areas of high water discharge and retention and to control misled land utilisation on a large scale. The project intends to adjust the existing buildings and land utilisations to the conditions in the flood plains as a part of the village renewal programme.

3/DU/1/057 Stadt Schwaigern

Hochwasserschutz durch landwirtschaftliche Mab nahmen

This pilot project aims at applying preventive measures to run-offs and high water levels, so that the rain-water may infiltrate as far as possible. Unlike more conventional means such as the smoothening of run-off waves, this projects proposes to reduce run-off rate instead of the run-off wave. The realisation of the announced measures will be accompanied by field studies which should then quantify the agricultural effects (profits, quality) and effects on water economy (surface run-off) of the agricultural measures.

1/DU/2/066 Stadtverwaltung Neuenburg am Rhein

Regenwasserversickerung in Neuenburg am Rhein

The municipality intends to achieve extensive ground seepage in the town area in order to derive a general drainage plan for which a programme is implemented to avoid direct discharge of rainwater into the Rhine (sewage-separated-system). This plan will also largely exclude the joint discharge with waste water (sewage-mixed-system). The objective of this project is to renew an environmentally favourable and cost effective rainwater treatment.

1/DU/1/067 Hessische Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtrschaft und Forsten

Vorbeugender Hochwasserschutz im Einzugsgebiet der hessischen Lahn

A detailed concept for the remediation of the Lahn that is ecologically founded already exists, but an exemplary concept of flood protection is missing. The State of Hesse intends to develop an integrated managerial concept and to provide a model realisation from 1999 to 2001 also as a means of support for exemplary sub-projects.

For more information:

2/DU/1/073 Land Rheinland-Pfalz / Ministerium für Umwelt und Forsten

Deichrückverlegung Speyer

To assure safety measures the project specifically aims to restore and create additional retention area to cause a diminution of the high water levels. This method will be applied for the local regions and also for the total course of the Rhine. Relocation of the site Speyer, situated in the north of the city of Speyer, will also enable the former flood plains of the Rhine to be flooded instead and allow natural variations of the river to prevail.

2/DU/1/074 Land Rheinland-Pfalz / Ministerium für Umwelt und Forsten

Deichrückverlegung Sonderheim/Germersheim

The project aims at restoring and creating additional retention areas which will diminish the high water levels not only locally but in the total course of the Rhine. The dike relocation of the main dike line shall cause the flood plain.


(D) 127.500,-

(NL) 119.500,-

2/DU/1/075 Stadt Monheim am Rhein

Deichrückverlegung Monheim am Rhein TEIL A

This project aims at the prevention of high water discharge in the Monheim polder which will be renovated and respectively relocated. The project will investigate the environmental and social digestibility and finally renovate the high water protection constructions. An outlet damping in Rhine sectors downstream will also be created to assure prevention or minimisation against further damage potentials in the area.

2/DU/1/076 Land Rheinland-Pfalz / Ministerium für Umwelt und Forsten

Deichrückverlegung Worms-Mittlerer Busch

This project aims at restoring and creating additional retention areas, which will diminish the high water levels both locally and along the total course of the Rhine. The relocation of the main dike line shall cause the flood plain (Altaue) which is actually used for agriculture, to be flooded again and to respond to the natural variations of the Rhine.

1/DU/1/082 Naturlandstiftung Saar

Untersuchungen und Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung des Retentionspotentials der Blies

This action plan combines water management, regional planning and urban development, agriculture and nature conservation measures in an interdisciplinary concept. The objective is to increase water storage capacity in sections of the Blies riverside meadow and to slow down the run-off peaks during high water periods.

2/DU/1/083 Linksniederrheinische Entwässerungs-Genossenschaft (LINEG)

Deichrückverlegung Bislicher Insel

In conformity with the IKSR and based on the total concept of the Rhine in Northrhine-Westfalia (flood protection, ecology and navigation) as well as on the General Plan of Flood Protection at the Lower Rhine, feasibility studies concerning the ecological creation and restoration of retention areas are executed in 11 selected investigation areas. One of these investigation areas is the retention area of the Bislicher Insel. In order to maintain and optimise the Bislicher Insel as a retention area, a dike will be restored and supplemented which is far away from the Rhine. The dike shall be restored and relocated on a length of 2,5 km.

2/DU/1/090 Land Rheinland-Pfalz, vertreten durch das Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft Rheinland-Pfalz

Multifunktionale Enwicklung von Überschwemmungsauen

This project shall show by a number of selected meanders of the Upper Rhine how the marshlands may be structured. It shall demonstrate which economic, ecological and social values those marshlands will have for the adjacent municipalities. The finding of a related model shall be done profession- and authority-wide under inclusion of the public.

1/DU/1/091 Land Rheinland-Pfalz, vertreten durch das Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft Rheinland-Pfalz

Schonende Bewirtschaftung von sensiblen Niederschlagsflächen und Bachauen

The project has several objectives: creation of a powerful land-wide information system for the identification and evaluation of sensible precipitation areas and meanders, in order to be able to draw the attention of the professionals and of the broad public to these parts of the landscape. This shall be made understandable to both the professionals and especially also to the farmers and the broad public.


2/DU/1/094 Land Baden-Würrtemberg, Gewässerdirektion Südlicher Oberrhein/Hochrhein Projektgruppe Lahr

Dammrückverlegung Kirschgartshausen

The objective of the project is to create additional natural retention areas along the stretch of the Upper Rhine where the river is still allowed to flow freely. In the area north of the city of Mannheim along the state border with Hesse, the main dike of the river Rhine XLI/XLII is to be subjected to inland relocation. In order to delimit the project from the immediately adjacent Hessian ‘Lampertheimer Altrhein’ floodplains, the local summer dike system along the state border will be closed.

1/DU/1/095 Niersverband


This concept incorporates additional measures from the Meander Programme of Northrhine-Westfalia. Within the scope of the EUROGA 2002+ (a Dutch-German collaboration of Maas- Waal), the Niersverband is planning restoration in the west of the city of Oedt. Within the scope of this project, the barrage shall be bypassed by a new circulating flow. Therefore, the course of the rivulet will be prolonged, its diameter enlarged, the discharge slowed down and the flood frequency, thereby extending the retention of the flood plains again.

2/DU/1/096 Land Baden-Würrtemberg, Gewässerdirektion Südlicher Oberrhein/Hochrhein Projektgruppe Lahr

Rückhalteraum Elzmündung

The existing flooding zone will be used for redirecting the water into the Rhine and the restoration of the flood plain. In addition to the goals of protection against high water, another goal of equal importance is the regeneration of flood plain areas, which have not been flooded since the construction of the impounding levels, and the return of these areas to habitats typical of a flood plain.

1/DU/3/097 Stadt Altensteig

Schaffung von Retentions- und Über-schwemmungsbereichen an der oberen Nagold

The project proposes to carry out a flood area examination and to draw up a hydraulic model to analyse the actual situation so as to examine various measures in respect of their suitability to retain the flood water in the Upper Nagold Valley. The objectives also include planning and constructing the Zinsbachmühle flood water retention area, which, because of its pan-regional effect, is of central importance for the improvement of the flood water protection system in the Upper Nagold Valley.

1/DU/1/098 Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Forsten

Entwurfsplanung zur naturnähen Umgestaltung der Wehre Höchst und Sossenheim im Unterlauf der Nidda

In a study which has comprised water management, hydraulic and ecological investigations, it was shown that preventive high-water protection is in principle possible in a tributary of the river Main reconstructing weirs in a manner which is close to nature. The creation of additional retention areas is possible by widening of the bottom of the river, interconnecting old arms of the Nidda and creating a flooding area in the Nidda water meadows.

1/DU/1/099 Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Forsten

Naturnäher Ausbau der Nidda zwischen Berkersheim und Bonames

The project shall contribute to the provision of flood protection as part of the comprehensive ‘Natural Nidda’ development concept, decided upon by Nidda inhabitants and Green-Belt Planning department of Frankfurt on Main. The aim of the project is to create large-scale inundation areas on a 2.6 km long section on either side of the river narrows, between Berkersheim and Bonames.

3/DU/3/110 Stadt Mannheim

Hochwasserüberflutungsmodell der Stadt Mannheim

The project proposes to develop a High Water Overflow Model that shall help to find those areas which will be overflown in case of a dike break. This finding shall be based on high water forecasts and warnings for the area of Mannheim, last but not least by an investigation of the mutual influence of Rhine and Neckar through back pressure.

The IRMA-code refers to the theme (1, 2, 3 or 4), the member state (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg or the Netherlands), the measure (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3) and the project number.

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